Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip
Lippy Clip

Lippy Clip

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Check out this awesome Lippy Clip! It's the perfect gift for teachers, nurses, students, birthdays, girls weekends, and more! It's designed to securely hold standard size lip balms like Chapstick, and easily clips to a keyring, purse hardware, backpack, or diaper bag. Plus, it's super stylish and adds a fun pop of color to any outfit. Get your Lippy Clip today!

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